The Business Owner’s Handbook on Interest Rates for Loans

November 10, 2023   |   Written By Lexicon Bank
The Business Owner’s Handbook on Interest Rates for Loans

In the world of business, acquiring a loan is often a necessary step toward growth and expansion. However, one of the critical aspects that can make or break a loan experience is the interest rate. It’s more than just a percentage; it’s a deciding factor that can significantly impact the repayment amount and the overall financial health of your business. This blog post aims to demystify the concept of interest rates and help business owners understand and effectively navigate them.

Table of Contents

  • Brief Explanation of Interest Rates

  • Importance of Understanding Interest Rates for Business Owners

  • Definition and Basics of Interest Rates

    • Fixed Interest Rate

    • Variable (or Floating) Interest Rate

    • Adjustable (or Adjustable-Rate) Interest Rate

    • Introductory (or Teaser) Interest Rate

    • Prime Interest Rate

    • Discount Rate

  • Overview of Different Types of Business Loans

    • Commercial Real Estate Loans

    • Bridge Loans

    • Permanent Loans

    • Revolving Line of Credit

    • Small Business Loans

    • Equipment Financing

    • Construction Loans

  • Typical Interest Rates for Each Type

  • Discussion on Factors Such as Credit Score, Market Conditions, etc.

  • How Interest Rates Affect Your Repayment Amount

  • Long-Term Implications of High-Interest Rates on Business Finances

  • Practical Tips and Strategies to Secure Favorable Interest Rates

  1. Maintain a Good Credit Score

  2. Understand Your Business’s Financial Health

  3. Choose the Right Type of Loan

  4. Build a Relationship with Your Bank

Brief Explanation of Interest Rates

Interest rates are essentially the cost of borrowing money. When you take out a loan, you are required to pay back not only the original amount (principal) but also an additional percentage of that amount, which is the interest. This rate is usually expressed as an annual percentage of the principal, known as the annual percentage rate (APR). The interest rate is determined by several factors, including the lender’s base rate, market conditions, the type of loan, and the borrower’s creditworthiness.

Importance of Understanding Interest Rates for Business Owners

For business owners, understanding interest rates is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it directly impacts the cost of borrowing. A higher interest rate means the loan will be more expensive to repay. Secondly, different types of loans come with different interest rates, so understanding how they work helps business owners choose the most suitable options. Finally, understanding interest rates can provide business owners with the knowledge needed to negotiate better loan terms, potentially saving significant amounts over the lifespan of the loan.

Definition and Basics of Interest Rates

At its core, the interest rate is the amount a lender charges for the use of assets or money expressed as a percentage of the principal. There are two main types of interest rates: simple and compound. Simple interest is calculated only on the initial amount (or principal) that you borrowed or invested, while compound interest is calculated on the principal amount and the accumulated interest of previous periods. The frequency of compounding, whether annually, semi-annually, quarterly, monthly, or daily will significantly affect the total amount of interest paid over the life of the loan.

Fixed Interest Rate

A fixed interest rate does not change over the life of the loan or investment. This type of rate is beneficial when market rates are expected to rise in the future as it provides certainty about the cost of borrowing or the return on investment.

Variable (or Floating) Interest Rate

A variable interest rate can change over time. The rate is usually pegged to a benchmark interest rate like the prime rate or the LIBOR. Borrowers or investors with variable interest rates stand to benefit when market rates go down but could face higher costs if rates go up.

Adjustable (or Adjustable-Rate) Interest Rate

An adjustable-rate is a type of variable interest rate where the interest rate changes at set intervals. For example, an adjustable-rate mortgage might have a fixed rate for five years, after which the rate adjusts annually according to a benchmarked rate plus a certain percentage.

Introductory (or Teaser) Interest Rate

An introductory rate is a low, promotional interest rate offered for a short period at the beginning of a loan term. After the introductory period ends, the rate will increase to a higher, standard rate.

Prime Interest Rate

The prime rate is the interest rate that banks offer to their most creditworthy clients, typically large corporations. Many variable interest rates are expressed as the prime rate plus or minus a certain percentage.

Discount Rate

The discount rate is the interest rate charged by central banks when lending to commercial banks. It indirectly influences the interest rates banks offer to their clients.

Choosing the right type of interest rate depends on factors such as your risk tolerance, market conditions, and your financial goals. Always consider the pros and cons of each type before making a decision.

Overview of Different Types of Business Loans

At Lexicon Bank, we understand that every business has unique needs and that’s why we offer a wide range of business loans. Whether you’re a small business owner or run a large corporation, our diverse portfolio of loans can help fuel your growth. Our offerings include:

Commercial Real Estate Loans

Ideal for buying or refinancing property.

Bridge Loans

Perfect for short-term financing needs before a more permanent solution is in place.

Permanent Loans

These are long-term solutions typically used to pay off short-term loans.

Revolving Line of Credit

Provides flexible access to funds when you need them.

Small Business Loans

Tailored to the needs of small businesses, including the Small Business Administration (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

Equipment Financing

Helps you purchase the machinery your business needs to operate.

Construction Loans

For building or renovating commercial properties.

Typical Interest Rates for Each Type

Interest rates vary depending on the type of loan and other factors such as credit score and market conditions. As a community bank, we strive to offer competitive interest rates. Please contact us directly for specific rates.

Discussion on Factors Such as Credit Score, Market Conditions, etc.

Your credit score and current market conditions significantly influence the interest rate you’ll receive. A high credit score can help secure a lower rate, while lower market interest rates can make borrowing cheaper overall. Other factors like the type of loan and your business’s financial health also impact your rate.

How Interest Rates Affect Your Repayment Amount

The higher the interest rate, the more you’ll pay over the life of the loan. Higher interest rates mean higher monthly payments and a higher total repayment amount. It’s crucial to factor this into your budgeting before taking out a loan.

Long-Term Implications of High-Interest Rates on Business Finances

High-interest rates can strain your business’s finances in the long run. They can lead to higher monthly payments, leaving less cash available for other business expenses. Over time, this can impact your business’s profitability and growth.

Practical Tips and Strategies to Secure Favorable Interest Rates

Maintain a Good Credit Score

Pay your bills on time and manage your credit effectively.

Understand Your Business’s Financial Health

Lenders look at your business’s financial statements, so ensure they are in good shape.

Choose the Right Type of Loan

Different loans have different rates, so pick the one that best suits your needs and offers favorable rates.

Build a Relationship with Your Bank

At Lexicon Bank, we value our relationships with our clients and strive to offer them the best possible rates.

Interest rates might seem like just another number, but they’re much more than that. They are key determinants for your business’s financial health and future growth. A lower interest rate means lower repayments, improved cash flow, and more money in your pocket to reinvest in your business.

At Lexicon Bank, we know that running a business isn’t a walk in the park—it’s a marathon. It requires determination, resilience, and smart decision-making. Understanding and negotiating interest rates is one such smart decision that will significantly impact your business’s financial trajectory.

Set up an appointment with us today. Let’s work together to secure the best possible interest rates for your business. Because at Lexicon Bank, we’re here to help you get the ‘Yes’ when you need it.



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