September Community Spotlight
Lexicon Bank is proud to feature Teach for America Nevada as our September Community Spotlight. It gives us the opportunity to advocate for this outstanding organization dedicated in finding, developing, and supporting equity-oriented leaders to transform education and expand opportunity for all children. It has built a diverse network of education leaders, who continue to positively impact education outcomes in our state both in the classroom and the broader education system.
Our Partners
Hope Means Nevada
Teach for America Nevada
Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Nevada
Helms Helps Alliance
Williams-Marshall Cares Leadership Program
Broadway in the HOOD
Make-A-Wish® Southern Nevada
Children’s Heart Foundation
Children’s Heart Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to making a difference in the lives of heart families through emotional, educational, and financial support to inspire a higher quality of life for all.
Children’s Heart Foundation was founded by a unique and passionate group of parents and Nevada pediatric cardiologists who have gained firsthand knowledge of the emotional and financial toll exacted by a child’s heart condition. All are eager to provide appropriate services and resources for heart children and their families.
American Lung Association
Lexicon Bank is proud to feature American Lung Association of Nevada as our February Community Spotlight. It gives us the opportunity to advocate for this outstanding organization and the work that they do in saving lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease.
Nevada School of the Arts
Lexicon Bank is proud to feature Nevada School of the Arts (NSA) as our January Community Spotlight. It gives us the opportunity to advocate for this outstanding organization and the work that they do in developing and igniting a lifelong passion for the arts among students of all ages and backgrounds.
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) Foundation
Lexicon Bank is proud to feature the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) Foundation as our December Community Spotlight. It gives us the opportunity to advocate for this outstanding organization and show our support for their essential programs and community engagement activities that help build trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve.
Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation
Lexicon Bank is proud to feature the Nevada Blind Children's Foundation as our November Community Spotlight. It gives us the opportunity to advocate for this outstanding organization and show our support for their essential programs and services that assist blind and visually impaired children in Nevada.