Digital Security

In a digital world, keeping your personal information secure is paramount. Lexicon Bank understands the importance of digital security. To help protect yourself online, take a look at some resources, tips, and scams that are becoming more and more common below.

  • Don’t fall victim to social engineering

    Think before you click. Do not open an attachment or click a link in an email or text message unless you know it’s legitimate. Scammers can send phishing emails pretending to be from a legitimate company in an attempt to trick you into revealing confidential information.

    Lexicon Bank will never ask you for your username, password, or your one time passcode to login to Online Banking.

  • Protect your accounts

    Use a strong password that focuses on length over complexity to secure your digital accounts. The longer a password is, the harder it will be to decrypt. Remember to keep this password secured safely and to never share it with anyone. Ensure two-factor authentication is enabled whenever possible.

  • Protect your information – Verify first!

    Always send your confidential information securely and only provide it to trusted sources. If you’re ever unsure about a request, double check through a legitimate source such as a publicly available telephone number or website.

  • Safeguard your devices – Lock down your systems

    Keep your personal computers and devices up to date with security patches, virus protection, and secure them with a strong password. Do not install software from unknown sources and utilize auto-update features when possible.

 Common Scams

Scammers are becoming more and more creative every day. They use stories to gain your trust so you’ll give up something valuable such as your information or money. Be cognizant of these types of common scams:

  • Money Mule

    If asked to move money through your account for someone else, you are likely being asked to launder illegally acquired funds. Be aware of this type of scam and report it to local law enforcement immediately.

  • Lottery and Sweepstakes Scams

    Scammers will call people instructing them to provide confidential information so their prize can be collected. However, there is no prize. These scams can be done through mail, email, phone calls, robocalls, or text messages.

  • Romance Scams

    Criminals can pretend to be whomever they’d like while online. Be cautious if asked to send money to someone you’ve only known online.

  • Relative Scams

    Fraudsters can call or email pretending to be a close relative in dire need of money. Confirm the person you’re talking to is who they actually say they are before providing any information or money.

  • Charity and Disaster Fraud

    Be careful when making donations to charities. Verify that the charity takes the actions it claims to.

  • Investment Fraud

    Scammers will use false claims to solicit investments or loans from people.

  • Holiday Scams

    When shopping online, especially during the holiday season, be aware of any deals that seem too good to be true.