Injured Police Officers Fund
The mission of the Injured Police Officers Fund is to help reduce the financial burden suffered by Police Officers and their families in the event of a line of duty injury or death by providing monetary assistance to these Officers and their families. The IPOF is comprised of sworn law enforcement officers from each of the member agencies. Each agency has one primary and one alternate representative. These officers volunteer their time and are appointed by the Chief of Police of their agency, or in the case of LVMPD Officers, the Sheriff of Clark County.
This December, Lexicon Bank is proud to spotlight the Injured Police Officers Fund (IPOF), a Las Vegas non-profit dedicated to reducing the financial burden suffered by police officers and their families in the event of a line-of-duty injury or death by providing monetary assistance to these officers and their families. We are proud to continue supporting IPOF, which will celebrate 40 years of giving back to our community officers, with a cash donation and a donated tree at Opportunity Village’s Magical Forest where their families will come together to decorate and honor loved ones.
Over the past 40 years, the Injured Police Officers Fund has represented fifteen law enforcement agencies across Southern Nevada and works with various community non-profit organizations within the Las Vegas area throughout the year.
Join Us In Making A Difference
Consider a monthly or one-time gift to support the IPOF.
Join their next annual fundraiser the 2022 Injured Police Officers Fund Classic Car and Emergency Vehicle Show happening Saturday, March 26th

Thank you to our clients, partners and generous community for supporting our local non-profits this past year. They need our support more than ever as we move Las Vegas forward and get back to thriving. Discover our full list of non-profits celebrated this past year.

We’d love to hear about it! Let your personal banker know about your favorite organization. We will consider ways that we can work together to show our support and continue to build into the community we call home.
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